Evolution is part of the business growth journey

Aug 08, 2024
Miki Maruko - Performance & Life Coach

I've been completely offline for the past 6 weeks.

No emails, social media, content creation.

I upheld all client commitments but beyond that, I left my business alone.

As I write this in August of 2024, I know I was not alone:  I am aware of many others who decided to take time away this summer, many who intuitively knew that this time offline was needed.

Why, you may ask?


Let's face it:  the world of online business has changed in 2024. 


Things ARE different from the early 2020's.

Here are the relevant main REASONS behind the change in online business in 2024:

- A lot of people are processing world events and their impact, near and far.

- There is global economic uncertainty.

- There is mental and physical fatigue - either from having ridden the highs of the past few years or trying to keep up and catch up with those who have.


The main IMPACT for online businesses in 2024 include:


- Clients are more discerning before they buy:  Many have been disappointed by previous investments, many have lowered the amount they are investing in support in anticipation of a more uncertain business environment,  many are unsure of what they actually need or want right now.

- Business owners have been (and need to be) re-evaluating their offers, services and prices to reflect the changing needs of their clients and to ensure a strong value proposition for each offer.

- Content marketing, more than ever, requires the human element:  YOU are truly what makes your business unique.  With intentional, value-driven messaging, you CAN continue to have steady sales conversions.

- Service delivery also requires the human element:  people want to interact with you as the service provider, and not just consume content.  This doesn't necessarily mean 1:1 or Done-For-You work, although these services are definitely in higher demand than the past few years.  You can offer a one-to-many format as long as clients feel they have access to you and aren't just a number on your profit statement.


The changing landscape probably influenced my 6 weeks offline, but it actually wasn't the main reason. 

The past 6 weeks was actually the culmination of 12-months of my own niche drama (gasp!).  Yes, after having successfully grown my business year-on-year for the past 3-4 years, and as a "business" coach I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I've been having niche drama.

It actually started in 2023 when my business was literally booming.  I was hitting 5 figure months, working on average 20 hours per week and with the best clients.  (Feel free to read my 2023 annual review to find out more about my experience that year here.)


I had reached that elusive "next level" of 10-15k months and "fully booked status" that so many coaches and professionals in the online business world strive for.

So it is perhaps surprising that at this point I got hit massively by both Success Intolerance AND Niche Drama!

For those who might not be aware, Success Intolerance often happens when we create a new level of success and then get plagued by ALL the human fears:  what if this was a fluke, what if I can't sustain this, what if I continue at this level, what will others think, what does this mean, etc... (the human brain can be so unhelpful!).  

The Niche Drama came about after receiving lots of amazing feedback from my best clients, which summed up went something like this: 


"I LOVED working with you and got better results than I was hoping for (e.g. sales, clients, marketing systems, confidence, offer clarity, work/life balance), BUT the process of working with you was different to what I expected when I signed up."


Ugh 😔😔😔


As a conscientious professional, hearing similar feedback from multiple clients truly sent me into a mental and emotional spiral.


Yes, I could have focused on the fact they had all surpassed the growth they were hoping for, and created growth in areas they hadn't contemplated prior to partnering with me. 

I could have focused on their 2k, 5k, 10k and 20k months, their sales conversions doubling, their audience growing, their lead generation systems, successful marketing strategies, increased confidence and renewed passion for their business and life.

And I did...

And I didn't.

The very human side of me couldn't get it out of my head that even though my coaching over-delivered, it WASN'T WHAT THEY EXPECTED.


To me, it was clear evidence of BAIT-AND-SWITCH.


And I really struggled with the fact my own marketing and sales process, whilst clearly effective, was doing a bait-and-switch.

I was inherently talking about what they wanted and delivering what they needed - it was what all the marketing gurus say to do, and it had worked, but it did NOT sit well with me.

Needless to say, I had A LOT of coaching on this topic. 

I sought out coaching from several coaches I have a lot of respect for to help me work through this drama.

They all advised me to let go of this moral drama and just continue on as is because it was clearly working AND my clients were getting amazing results.  (So surely that was a win-win and therefore, not a problem?...so they advised!)


So, despite my internal battles, I kept going.


But here's what I learned in the process:


- When you are out of alignment with your messaging, it just doesn't work.

- When you question any aspect of your offer, you won't sell it.

- When the level of doubt overtakes the level of certainty you have, doubt always wins.

- Uncertainty breeds inaction.  Decisions release the energy to take aligned action.


Truth be told, these were not "new" learnings.  But it was a great reminder.


All this came to a head about 6 weeks ago when I realised I could no longer be authentically "visible" to my audience without making some strong decisions about what I was going to do going forwards.

And so whilst I didn't plan to be offline for 6 weeks, and every week I intended to get "back on the wagon" of email and content marketing and generally engaging with my business, it has taken me 6 weeks to finally be at peace with where I am at and the (initial) decisions I have made.


To be at peace with the fact that Evolution is a natural part of the business growth journey. 


It's not a sign that things have gone wrong, but rather, that you're moving forwards and progressing.

So here goes...


Initial decisions...

I have released the titles of "business mentor" and "business coach"

At least initially, I am instead using "Performance Optimisation & Life Coach" (aka Your EXPANSION Coach) as I honestly feel this more accurately reflects what I actually do with clients (and what I have always done!). 

Performance encompasses how we show up in this world. 

It includes how we manage ourselves, our minds, our time, energy, priorities and relationships. 

Optimising our performance in different areas creates expansion, both internally and externally.

In line with EXPANSION, I am expanding my client base and service offerings. 

Whilst my "core" clientele remains ambitious mid-life female solopreneurs, over the past year I have been Performance Optimisation coaching other professionals, women at different life stages, men and teenagers, to help them fall back in love with and create lives (and businesses/careers) they love to live.  

Commitment to what's important to me:

For the past 7 years I have been running my business in part-time hours because I'm a pretty committed, hands-on mum of 3.  As two of my children have hit adolescence, the job of "mum" has become rather more complicated.  As important as my business and clients are to me, my family continues to be my first priority. 

I believe anyone can run an impactful online business in part-time hours and I hope to continue to be an example of how this is possible.

With integrity being one of my highest values, I am committed to lead with this value in every aspect of my business, including my messaging and marketing.  I have never not consciously done this, but I am increasingly more conscious than ever of ensuring that this is the case.

I continue to refuse to pretend to be someone I am not for the sake of "success". 

My differences are my strengths and more than ever I feel no need to "conform" despite all the external pressures that exist to do so.  Again, I hope I can be an example for others that success is sweeter when you do it your own way.


How I can add value to your life right now (for free):


If you've been in my world for any length of time, you'll know that I am a reluctant social media user.  This is a common "problem" for Gen X online business owners, even more so for those who are introverts like me!

This means that while I do release content on social, I have always been much more focused on nurturing my audience via my "own" proprietary channel via direct emails.

It's my intention for my emails to be even more valuable than they have been.  It will be my main channel of communication, where I hope to provide useful, insightful and curated content covering all areas of Performance Optimisation and Personal Development. 

I will be experimenting with different topics (and possibly formats) over the coming weeks and months, with the driving motivations of (1) having fun with the content I'm producing and (2) ensuring it's valuable to you!

So if you're up for it, still with me and interested in these topics, then please ensure you're subscribed to my email list!


The Fantastic New Opportunities I have to work with me! 


Okay, you'll have to be a little patient for this one, the details are coming soon! 😉


But here's what I can tell you right now:

As an award-nominated, multi-certified coach with a background in psychology, neuroscience, somatic and holistic therapies and business, I bring a calming effect into what might often feel like a chaotic daily life of juggling ALL the things whilst you pursue your big goals. 

That might be growing your business, transitioning life stages or your career, re-balancing your priorities, replenishing relationships or evolving to that next-level version of you and your life.

Although we each hold many identities, we have ONE precious life.

I'm here to help you make the most out of every moment so that you feel like you've lived 9 and experienced ALL that you desire to experience in this lifetime. 

If you're like most of my community, you've already created lots of success in your life and done a lot of what you were "supposed" to do. 

Now it's time to (re)claim your life for you!

Coaching is beyond empowering.

Through partnering with me, you will have increased clarity, confidence, motivation, courage and strength.

All of this is already within you:  coaching just helps to bring it all to the surface where you can USE it to optimise how you're showing up every day so that you create a life you love to live.


So if you're still here and read this far, I thank you.

Thank you for being here as part of my community and journey.

For witnessing my evolution.

The journey of life (and business growth) is generally not linear nor easy.

That's definitely my truth.

"Success" often appears better than it feels.  Don't be fooled by what you "see" out there.

With much love and gratitude,



 P.S. While you're here, you may have noticed I've had a bit of a website "revamp"!  Feel free to have a nosey around.  I'd love to hear any feedback you have - please send me an email at [email protected], I'd be thrilled to hear from you!










Let's work together.

Are you ready to embrace a life where freedom and flexibility aren't just dreams, but your everyday reality?

If you're eager to chase your big ambitions without sacrificing your values, welcome to a space where possibilities meet action.

I understand the intricate dance of growing a thriving business, transitioning careers or life stages,  nurturing self-confidence, and seeking fulfillment, all while savoring the both the little and significant moments of life.

My mission? To show you the simple pathway to your desired life and help you start living it now.

Whether you're growing your business, in mid-life transition, a parent looking to bring the best out in yourself and your child, or on the quest for personal development and fulfilment, my bespoke coaching solutions are designed to propel you forward.

We'll do magic together: creating expansion in all the ways that are meaningful to you, often including: more time, presence, income,  impact and freedom.

Let's embark on this transformative partnership so that you can live a life that exceeds your expectations and aspirations in every way.

Work with me